Loves the magic of the Fair. I didn't know such a thing existed, but he says you can't miss Michelle's Magical Poodles. She seems lovely lovely as someone who spends her time traveling to state fairs all across the country in a van full of poodles can be.
Salt also says that you gotta see Steve Trash, the Eco Magician. Steve Trash looks just like my Uncle Bob. Also, I am not sure what an "eco magician" is exactly. I am going to assume it is all about recycling, which I can tell you with absolute certainty is not magic!
I am sure Steve and Michelle are lovely people. Let's face it though, a carny magician in still just a carny. And carnies are weird, creepy people that often have several warrants.
And I am going to assume several Warrant albums. Don't you want to be these guys' cherry pie?